Listed below are links to blogs about social and emotional challenges faced by intellectually and musically "gifted" children, adults and their families, published at:
Creating a learning map: A self-discovery tool for the gifted
Finding the right music teacher for your musically gifted child
How to help your gifted child build resilience: Reframing failure
Building resilience: Strategies to support your gifted child
Stop the shaming: Why we must advocated for gifted children now
Tall tales: When your gifted child lies to you
What's so bad about being gifted?
Back to school during a pandemic: How to help your gifted child thrive
How gifted children view their giftedness
What kind of gifted person will you become?
Why parents of gifted children need support
When you compare your gifted child to others
Why does giftedness remain unrecognized among some gifted children?
What's so bad about intensity?
Five resilience-building tips for your gifted child this summer
Are AP classes good (or bad) for gifted students?
What are the "4 E's" of gifted parenting?
Gifted education: Why is it still so controversial?
Baseball, the World Series, and gifted education
Another call to action: Join the mission to clarify giftedness for the uninformed
Great gifted education articles from 2022
Ten years later: What has changed and what remains the same in gifted education
Parenting decisions: Good for you... or good for your child?
Eating disorders among the gifted: Are they more at risk?
Women, success, and harnessing inherent strengths: An update
Five tips for communicating with your gifted child's teacher
First, do no harm: Nine tactics that teachers of gifted students should avoid
When your gifted or twice-exceptional child does not fit in: Six tips for parents
What happens when gifted kids coast through school?
The gifted child's rocky path to adulthood... and how you can help
Why is attunement so essential when parenting a gifted or twice-exceptional child?
When the adults in charge disappoint: Helping your gifted child endure
Gifted impatience: Is it a thing?
You can't fool a gifted kid; they spot inauthenticity a mile away
What giftedness is not: A list to share with those who don't get it
College admissions for gifted students: Emotions, uncertainty, and decisions